How to Distinguish between Cotton Yarn and Viscose Yarn

One of the most important things to consider when working with fabrics and textiles is the yarn that is used to create them. Two commonly used yarns are cotton and viscose, and while they may look similar, they have very different properties. Here’s how to distinguish between cotton yarn and viscose yarn.

The easiest way to tell the difference between cotton and viscose is by looking at the labels on the garments or fabrics you are working with. If the label states that the item is made from 100% cotton, then it is made from cotton yarn. Similarly, if the label states that the item is made from 100% viscose, then it is made from viscose yarn.

If you don’t have a label to go by, then there are other ways to distinguish between cotton and viscose yarn. One of the easiest ways is to simply touch and feel the fabric. Cotton yarn is known for its soft, natural feel, while viscose yarn is generally smoother and silkier to the touch.

Another way to distinguish between these two yarns is by looking at the weave of the fabric. Cotton yarn is generally woven in a slightly more coarse weave than viscose, which is often woven in a tight, dense weave. This is because cotton fibers are naturally thicker than viscose fibers, which are spun from wood pulp.

If you are still unsure about whether a fabric or garment is made from cotton or viscose yarn, then you can perform a burn test. Take a small piece of the fabric and hold it over an open flame. Cotton yarn will burn slowly and leave a gray ash, while viscose yarn will burn quickly and completely and leave no ash.

In conclusion, distinguishing between cotton and viscose yarn is essential when working with fabrics and textiles. By using these simple tips, you can easily differentiate between the two and make informed decisions about the fabrics you are working with.

Post time: Mar-09-2023